I undertake to act to the best of my ability as your coach and to work with you to help identify your personal and professional goals. I undertake to offer you my full and undivided attention during our sessions together, to offer no judgement, only observation. I will never tell you what to do, as you will always decide for yourself, I will only seek to help you explore the possibilities available to you. I promise to respect, accept you unconditionally and to do my very best to ensure you have a productive and transformative experience in alignment with your own values, goals and stated desires. I will be totally committed to your desire for change and fulfilment and celebrate your every success.
I cannot offer any expertise in relation to physical health, and if these are issues I will always advise you visit a relevant professional.
I look forward to a fulfilling and exciting coaching journey with you.
Liz Uimbia- Life Coach
I am motivated and committed to the coaching process. I understand that in order to achieve results, my full participation and commitment will be required.
I accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from coaching and I promise that I am healthy enough physically and mentally to engage in coaching. I know that I must take responsibility for my life in order to empower myself to achieve the change I wish to make and that no one else can do this for me.
I can afford the coaching fee at this time. I agree to honor my scheduled session times, and I can afford the fees for coaching at this time. If my circumstances change, I will tell my coach as soon as possible.
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