I am so glad that I did! Her workbooks, audios and life coaching program contain some of the most practical and useful information and advice I have encountered. Her ideas are simple and easily implemented, yet make a tremendous difference if you take the time to follow her step-by-step plan. Since doing Tap into Your Sexual Creative Energy Program, my life has changed, am able to handle my relationship much better. Of-course my sex-life has been renewed i am a happy woman and so is my man.
I have suggested this program to every woman I know (and some men), married or single. The style is appealing, empowering, and again, completely engaging.
I am so glad that I did! In this program i learnt about myself and understand what turns me on and what doesn’t. I know have a better relationship with my body and I understand my husbands body better. Our relationship is no longer the same. Thank you Liz
Knowing better means doing better, Liz kept saying that and its true am a better person. I have understood how change happens sometimes it can be painful but extremely needed and other times it’s subtle and easy. Transformation and change is part of life, am embracing change in my life better after the program. h